
Wednesday 22 August 2012

EDD concludes Environment Awareness Program in South India

The team of researchers of Environment and development desk of DIIR successfully concluded its month-long awareness program among the monastic and lay Tibetan communities in the five settlements in south India.

Recently, EDD concluded its awareness program in south India during a hall-packed gathering in Camp 4 of Mundgod Doeguling Tibetan settlement. The month-long program was well received by people from different walks of life and was well attended by a total of around 5,800 people in five major Tibetan settlements in south India including Bylakuppe Lugsung Samdupling, Bylakuppe Dickyi Larsoe, Hunsur Rabgyeling, Kollegal Dhondenling and Mundgod Doeguling.

Around 4500 monks and nuns were also educated during this awareness program. Some of major monasteries including Sera Monastery, Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Gyurmed Monastery, Dzongkar Choede Monastery, Ganden Monastery and Drepung Monastery in different settlements were also covered. In some of the monasteries, monks approached to share concerns of environmental degradation in their hometown back in Tibet.

A total of 31 separate talks were held in different camps and monasteries during this intensive awareness program. The talk was presented with visual aids and discussed the multi-faceted environmental concerns facing the Tibetan plateau including melting of glaciers; degradation of permafrost layer; drying up of lakes; impact on river hydrology; degradation of grassland and removal of Tibetan nomads; and Chinese government's policies to exploit Tibet for its natural resources and large-scale commercialization.

A senior monk of Sera Monastery seeking more information about construction of hydro-dams

Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Bylakuppe Tibetan Settlement

A group of Tibetan residents in Hunsur Rabgyaling Tibetan settlement
An awareness session in Kollegal Dhondenling Tibetan settlement

Monks of Sakya Monastery listening patiently to the presentation, Mundgod Doeguling Settlement

Tibetan of Camp 2 and 9 of Mundgod Doeguling Settlement reacting to a question by the speaker

Hundreds of nuns from Jangchup Choeling Nunnery (Mundgod Doeguling Settlement) were also educated

Around 1500 monks of Drepung Monasteries (Mundgod Doeguling Settlement) attending an early morning session at Drepung Lachi monastery

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