
Friday 26 October 2012

International Day of Climate Action Observed in Sambhota Tibetan School, Paonta

Ms Chokyi from EDD, talking to the students of Sambhota Tibetan school in Paonta about climate change.

The students participating in an environmental awareness program at the school.

DHARAMSHALA: The Environment and Development Desk (EDD) of the Department of Information and International Relations, held a comprehensive talk on climate change and its impact on the Tibetan plateau.
Ms Chokyi, a researcher from the EDD section, talked about current climate changes taking place on the Tibetan Plateau with glacier meltdown and desertification of the plateau’s grassland. These changes on the plateau in turn subsequently bring negative implications on the Tibetan nomads and their sustainable way of life.
With the theme for the Climate Action Day ‘Let’s make a switch’, she urged students to do what is in their capacity to control climate change such as choosing renewable energy, planting trees, switching lights off when its not in use and recycling waste materials.
The one-day program included a mono-act performed by students from different houses, eco-related games conducted by the junior students, exhibition on climate change ‘cause and effect’ and a go-green fancy marathon race.
The principal, Mr Migmar Tsering concluded the program with his speech emphasising on the practical implementation of environmental education to conserve our nature.

Monday 15 October 2012

Why Is China Taking Away Trees From Tibet? Aren’t There Trees in China?

Leh, 9 October --- Mr. Tenzin Norbu, the head of the Environment and Development Desk of the Department of Information and  International Relations of the Central Tibetan Administration, at the invitation of the SOS Tibetan Children’s Village school in Choglamsar gave a crisp and clear power-point presentation to the senior students of the school. Titled Tibet: the Third Pole, the presentation introduced the students to the importance of the plateau to Asia and the world and growing environmental problems that beset Tibet today.

Tibet Brings the Himalayas Together in Ladakh

October 7, 2012 10:45 am

Leh, 6 October — Under a brilliant, sunlight sky in Leh, 11 experts on Tibet and the Himalayas discussed the ancient cultural and spiritual contacts between the two in a three-day conference organised by the Delhi-based Foundation for Non-violent Alternatives (FNVA) from 5 to 7 October.

Representation of Tibet at COP11

October 9, 2012 2:54 pm

HYDERABAD: As representatives from over 170 countries began deliberations in Hyderabad yesterday on the way forward to protect the planet’s biodiversity, a small contingent of Tibetan environmentalists are also voicing concerns, raising awareness and urging the parties and NGOs to help protect the unique biodiversity of the Tibetan Plateau.